Is My Blog Dead?

No but I must admit that I did not update my blog a lot in last few months. I had to deal with personal issues thus my time on this blog and elsewhere(web, IM) were not my focus. But, that's life!

One of the good news is that I took charged of some aspects of life and one of them was my weight issues. Being an Internet marketer added a lot of pounds on me. Of course, I was not an active person in the first place.  I had mentioned it back in May. Since then, I lost 55 pounds plus the 5 pounds since the beginning of the year. That's 60 pounds less and a lot of new clothes since. I still have some weight to loose but it's good for me. Okay, my way of loosing it  is not for everyone but what counts is that it's working for me.

Also, since I turned 40, I'm more in a positive state ... most of the time. When I see something negative, I try to find a positive side to it. It may happen to me or to a friend. For example, I look at most physical activities(boring or not) as exercise and a way too loose more calories. It's practical that way since I'm not a fan of going to a gym alone. I do walk outside but less now days(rains) and when possible, I will use my Wii Fit. It's a worthwhile investment that I do recommend to people.

[phpbay]wii fit, 6[/phpbay]

Now, I'm a still single man :( and it's something I'm trying to "resolve". I have my goals thus this make it harder to find a partner. Most women in my age group don't want the same things thus it's limiting me. But, that's life/love! If you have a better half,  then you are one step ahead of me. ;)

In the last days, I finally decided to convert to MyStarterBlog. I only had to convert phpbay to the MSB eBay Plugin. That was easier/quicker that I expected since it was mostly cut and paste. You know I had to plug MSB :D. Plus, I had a older version of  WP that was not auto upgradable. Yes, it was that old!

In the last months, I did add new sites to my IM portfolio and I will need patience until they start to make me money. My MyStarterBlog sites are doing well for me but not enough. In the meantime, I'm looking to other alternatives to refind the social aspect(real people) of a "regular" job.

It's something I found myself missing too. Don't worry, I still believe in IM and what it can do for people(part time or full time).

I did used MyStarterBlog to setup a real site(not IM) for a friend. This showed me it's a good way for people to make money using MSB for local businesses. Heck, she even went on a local radio show thus I added a page of the  photos on her site. I was there too but taking the pictures. The site did not even crashed since MSB is light weight. That was my worst fear during the show.

I don't promise I will update the blog often but will try since I'm looking at starting something soon for me and related to IM too. This should be a good case study to update my blog. :D
Keywords: Business, Internet, internet marketing, life, love, MyStarterBlog, social, weight, wii fit


good luck finding a woman bro'. Funny article:)))

Thanks I hope to find one too. Only time will tell :D

,..] is one another great source of information on this topic,..]


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