Top 77 Mistakes New Bloggers Make by Joshua Dorkin

I nice article by Joshua.
    Domain & Hosting
  1. Not hosting their own blog
  2. Registering a blog name (URL) that has been copyrighted
  3. Registering a long and difficult to remember domain nameStyle, Design, and Basic Blog Ingredients
  4. Keeping the basic template that came installed on the blog
  5. Using a black background or one that flashes, blinks, or moves in any other way
Read the rest of the article Following those tips, I decided to open comments more(no registration needed) and see what happens. I hope not to have to deal with spam too much :( It may be easier to get feedback from users of my 2 freeware Info2MIS and MIS Info Video.
Keywords: Blogging, Internet


This is a test for the new comment rules

Steve. I'm glad you found some helpful points in my article. Opening up your comments is a big step and a good idea. Make sure you've got a few plugins set up to stop the spam: Aksimet, SpamKarma, & Bad Behavior. With these three combined, you should not have any real spam worries. Thanks for the post and hopefully for social bookmarking it!

I already have Aksimet and will check the other 2


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