Two new options were added on 1 Cool File for blogs: $5 Blog Review and Bundle Pack 1. I already posted this on
We will review your blog and give it a Staff Rating. If your rating is 3/5 or above. you will get an Editor's Rating Award. You will be able to proudly show the award on your site. The review will be based on the content(80%) and design(20%). The price don't include any kind of blog packages(free or paid) and your blog must be added first in the blog directory. You must have at least 10 posts on your blog. Once you have paid, contact us with the URL of 2 of your best posts. We will select the third post. No written review will be done but a comment will be added to indicate the date of the staff rating. Points: 2.0: Your 2 best original posts 1.0: The third post selected by us 0.5: Language - Is the language familly friendly or with cursing found? 0.5: Contacting you - Can we contact you by email or by using the contact form? The email can be in the About page 0.5: Overall blog theme - Did you use the default theme or modified it to your taste? 0.5: Original banner - Do you have an original top banner? If we click on the banner, can we see your blog name or is it a graphic under it? See below for an example. Good banner: 0.5 point

This option allow you to save by bundling many options into 1. You will get: ADD BLOG BUFFET(LIFE , $4USD), STAFF RATING(REVIEW AND AWARD, $5USD), ADD 1 BLOG BY HAND($3USD). It's a value of $12USD.
Cost: $10.00USD For a limited timeKeywords: 1 Cool File, Blogging