Activating Adsense in Feedburner

When I first read about it last week, it was not available in my account. Being from Canada, I suspected that it was US only at first. I checked it today and it's available. You don't just drop your Asense id. It's too simple and unsecured. I activated the Adsense option in Feedburner. Once I did that, I went to see if I could see ads in the current RSS feed in Firefox. I saw nothing thus I'm writing this post to force it. A few things(from memory and I should had taken more mental notes :p ):
  • You must activate it.
  • You create an Adsense account if you don't have one or give information about it.
  • You will then receive an email from Adsense confirming that you want Feedburner to access some of your account.
  • When in Adsense, you may want to create a feedburner channel to see how many clicks come from it.
  • You will be able to configure the layout within Feedburner.
Join my feed! I also added my Feedburner RSS chicklet. I know, I know, most suggest that you need at least 50 but I don't care. I have new RSS readers coming in. Because I'm using a 301 redirect on the old blog to here, my RSS is somewhat split between the 2 sites. If you don't want to add a feed in your RSS reader, use the email method but don't forget to confirm the subscription. Plus, many bloggers are starting to do contest using that method. I wonder if...
Keywords: Blogging, Money


[...] my biggest indirect performer so far was Activating Adsense in Feedburner which was Zoomed 6 times but it only sent me 2 visitors. I also wrote indirect because I think it [...]


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