Another flu, another risk of flu pandemic(level 5 out of 6). In this case, people will "buy swine flu masks" to protect their family just in case it does become a big pandemic. The downside is that many local stores are now running out of masks. And if they have some, the local stores will rise the price since the demand will be higher.
Even in Quebec City(no case reported yet), people are buying them. I read this in the newspaper this morning.
It won't protect you if you don't wear it the right way thus giving you a false sense of protection a doctor mentioned in the article. Basic precautions are still recommended at this time here: wash you hands and stay home if you have a cold.
If we are lucky(crossing fingers), the flu will be minimal. In any cases, the masks are not wasted since it can be used another time(normal flu), the next big flu or on Halloween. Why do I think we will find many children dressed as medical personnel next Halloween? ;)
But like a doctor said on television yesterday, often, a flu comes back in a second wave. That's what happened with the Spanish flu of 1918-1919. It started in the spring of 1918 only to hit harder in September of the same year. At least, researchers are more ready to combat the swine flu virus.
Thanks to the Internet, you can always buy swine flu masks online for less like below if you still want too.
[phpbay]medical mask, 6,,dental[/phpbay]
Keywords: buy, fear, flu, mask, Money, News, pandemic, swine