Contest: Happy Canada Day! and win $25(Got a winner)

The winner is: TheDuke84 You can win $25 Canadian. This is a 24 hours contest. Comment must be dated before July 2 at 8:00AM. I will draw 1 winner. You need to do 2 things: 1. In the page for a bunch of movies, email me the number of seconds where it's written "Don't resume if less than". 2. Leave a comment(1 line is ok and don't put the answer here or it will void the contest for all) and tell me if you would like your DVD, media player, mp3 player or on your current software media player to support the MIS specification(.MIS). No wrong answer here but you must leave a comment. You need a Paypal account. Keep the predefined subject because I will use a filter. Check here for my other contest for $50 and ..... If you have a blog, please participate to this other contest on, more money :D. You can use part of your comment as a basis if you want.
Keywords: Blogging, Contest


I knew that I had a reason to get the Feed ;)

You are right. It was beneficial for you to subscribe to the feed.

Got the payment :D


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