I was thinking that people that would would buy one of those software below from me, would get AuctionSiteWriter for free. BANS Bookmarking Demon Keyword Elite SEO Elite Niche Store Writer That's because they are all related to each other for making BANS. Plus, I owned all of them and know that they are worth it. I also included BANS because some of you don't have it yet. They do have one thing in common: ClickBank. After verification, I decided not to do it since it's against the Term Of Service of ClickBank. I even warned another blogger that was suggesting it to his readers and a forum poster asking about it. Here is the part of the TOS from Clickbank.
6.e. You agree to make no such promotions promising customers rebates, coupons, tickets, or vouchers in connection with their ClickBank purchase.Now, if everyone started to do that, then everyone would start to better the other in the offer and the final margins would only be a few cents. Also, if an affiliate competitor would see that, you could be reported to ClickBank thus losing all the money earned in your account. It's the reality of Internet Marketing. I have my own affiliate program with See Free Movies Legally thus I must be careful too respect my affiliates. One thing I learned this past year in the make money online(MMO) part of my blog is not to "hurt" my readers. If I did in the past, it was not my intention. I'm now more careful before giving any advice. But some MMO bloggers don't care on purpose about their readers and they will get byte in the a$$ one day. Internet Marketers don't need readers but they will pay one day too. Rules Are Rules so be ready to pay if you decide to break them and read the TOS of the affiliate first.
Keywords: affiliate, ClickBank, Internet, kickback, make money online, Money, promotion, TOS