Are you looking to increase your Technorati authority by 40 (varies) and receive 120 backlinks to your site in just a day? If so for just $25.00 for a limited time you can receive 120 links from 40 different blogs. See my result below with When I first bought the offer, I took a link for It won't affect Technorati but still created backlinks to it and improved the Alexa. Used it for both my blogs. The Rules for Submission: $25 - an article written by you will be posted on all 40 blogs (maximum of 500 words)
- a) no more than 3 links per article.
- b) no porn, no warez, no illegal content.
- c) no more than 500 words.

- One day submission
- Technorati Authority: 3 to 83 overnight
- Technorati Rank: 3.4Millions to 250,000 overnight
- Alexa: improved after a few days
- Backlinks: 80 increase overnight (1 link use for Steve's Tech Blog)
- Technorati: 2,121,799 to 190,377 (Some links were taken for,
- Backlinks: 40 increase overnight
- One day submission
- Technorati Authority: 4 to 45 overnight
- Technorati Rank: 1,310,276 to 126,911 overnight
- Alexa: improved after a few days(not yet)
- Backlinks: 22 to 142 blog reactions
Keywords: Blogging, Ranking, Traffic