Yes, MIS Info Video v2.6 is now available. v2.6.0 (2007-04-26) Add/Change:
- Add: Professionally made icons
- Add: Hotkeys in [ ]
- Add: In the Main page, 1 new way to display your media files: Picture and information 2. More information will be seen on one page
- Add: In the Option page, a new direct link to the Blog
- Add: In the Internal Player page, the new Automatic aspect ratio is now available. It will take the best choice between Full Window and Keep aspect ratio
- Add: The Profile Manager now include the new icons plus the state of protection of each profiles
- Add: More Vista "friendly"
- Change: If a change is detected in the Folder page, it will return to the Main page
- Change: The help (English/French) are now local HTML files. No pictures are included to lower the file size.
- When deleting a profile in Profile Manager, the pictures were not deleted
- In v2.5, when a password was asked when entering in a profile, an error was detected.
- Many visual correction when resizing the application
- Take more time to install versus XP
- Run MIS Info Video as Administrator (first time)
Keywords: Freeware, HTPC, MIS Info Video, News, Software, Technology