After many weeks, they are all out today. MIS Info Video 2.7.0
- Support the MIS specification v1.2. All URL tags are now 200 characters. This will help with the long URL from
- New way to navigate your media files. Those who know css may build custom generated main page.
- Include Info2MIS in the installation. So, you won't have 2 applications to install from now on.
- Fixed many minor things
- The blog button sen it here and on Steve's Tech Blog
- Support the MIS specification v1.2. All URL tags are now 200 characters. This will help with the long URL from
- Fixed the extraction of the poster from
- The blog button send it here and on
- All URL tags are now 200 characters.
Keywords: Business, Freeware, Info2MIS, MIS Info Video, Software, Technology