Relaunching My Affiliate Program For 1 Cool File

Following the recent analysis of the review by, I decided to relaunch my affiliate program and modified the site to make it better. This is what I have done so far: Site:
  • I modified the font page of 1 Cool File to make it easier to see the blog directory and I removed a lot of links(sub categories)
  • I added the buy button of the Platinum Membership and the Purchase Members in the Buy Blog Package page. I did removed the button from those page.
  • I removed the previous third party software Reviews and added a place for the last 10 paid reviews by bloggers.  This could be used to showcase your work.
  • I added a definition in the FAQ about what a "dead blogs" is on 1 Cool File.
Affiliate program:
  • I will accept a minimum of free affiliates but they will need to perform to be kept. That could be useful to forum owners that have many bloggers as members.
  • I now have 4 categories of affiliates with new higher commissions: Free(20%), Basic(20%,5%), Regular (25%,10%) and Platinum(35%,15%)
  • The blog buffet was reduced from $11.50 to $4. It will be for 1 blog only but it will still be a permanent link. This is good for someone who have 1 popular blog and don't want more blogs.
  • I reduced the Platinum Membership from $45/year to $10/year. I also relaxed the criteria so that anyone can upgrade to it. Because the price was reduced, the Blog Buffet is not longer included. So, for $10/year, you will have more commissions, can purchase members to build your second level and need $10(minimum) to be paid commissions. That's only for the affiliate side. The $45/year might be too much after all even if the commission was bigger.
  • I reduced the Purchase of a member from $6 to $3.
  • I reduced the minimum commissions payout across the board.
With the latest changes, I'm now giving you a better affiliate program. I will however read to the feedback to make the site better. Now, who want to be an affiliate?
Keywords: 1 Cool File, Money


[...] My comment for Relaunching My Affiliate Program For 1 Cool File: [...]

[...] can tell that he is improving a lot after he Relaunche Affiliate Program For 1 Cool File. It look like he will succeed on this… soon… He decided to cut the price down to very [...]

[...] Relaunching My Affiliate Program For 1 Cool FileThat s only for the affiliate side. The $45/year might be too much after all even if the commission was bigger. I reduced the Purchase of a member from $6 to $3. I reduced the minimum commissions payout across the board. … [...]

[...] Since the review from John Cow 2 weeks ago, I had to make many modification to the affiliate program to make it more attractive. The site main page was also modified. Those [...]


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