Relaunching Part 2

I had troubles using the affiliate script when I first relaunched See Free Movies Legally.

I changed to this hosting(HG), started over the installation(step by step) and now, it's ready. I suspect a few things but can't be sure. One thing is that I changed the DNS(web address) 2 times in 48 hours. PayPal might had trouble with that part.

Anyway, I was able to do a transaction this morning. Another friend help too and she had no trouble.

Now, go make money!
Keywords: Money, Movie, Passion, See Free Movies Legally


G), started over the installation(step by step) and now, it's ready. I suspect a few things but can't be sure. One thing is that I changed the DNS(web address) 2 times in 48 hours. PayPal m ;)


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