Review: And the color is??? AdesClrPicker to the rescue

I found out via covers News & Updates about Web Technologies, Web Design and Making Money Online) that he make a color picker called AdesClrPicker. Like me, he is a programmer. :D I don't need one everyday but if you work often with colors, then take look at it. It's small and cost $19.90USD. I just tested the demo version(RGB only). I would had like a full version but it would also meant a limit in days(more later). I'm lucky, the programming language I use needs RGB. It could be useful in web design. AdesClrPicker installed itself in the System Tray:AdesClrPicker System Tray It's simple to use because you get tips when using it. It's simple after a minute. Take a look at the menu. AdesClrPicker Menu It can translate the colors to: HTML, RGB, C++, VB and Delphi color codes. Recommendations Because I did not used the colors in other languages(only HTML, RGB), I would had like to see example of the kind of value. Why? Because my language can also accept a numeric number. For example: .BackColor = RGB(192,192,192) or 12632256 (light grey) This could be added in the main product page like this "output it in either HTML(#F26522), RGB(192,192,192) , C++(???), VB(???) and Delphi(???) color codes. " Also in the download page, it should mention if the demo version(RGB only) has a limit or not in days. I did not see a limit and it could be used has a limited freeware. I just want to be sure of that. Those are my 2 simple change that won't change the software but offer information before downloading. Conclusion If you do web/color stuff often then check it out.
Keywords: Review, Shareware, Software, Technology



Hi Steve, I was just wondering why my comment isn't showing for the contest.


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[...] in special for $10 (50% off) A few weeks ago, I did a review of this tool(capture colors). At that time, I did not think that I would need it(needed RGB only). [...]


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