One way to get more visibility is to submit your RSS feed to many sites. I found this list and build on that. Like any list out there, a site may change the requirements for submission or even be closed. That being said, the list is very fresh for now. The original list was from September 2007 and it already had a few sites closed. I had to add a few others. It could had been 50 or 40 but ended with 45 46.
Some will limit the number of submission per day, ask more than the RSS feed, have a gotcha, reciprocal link/create an account(no included here), specialized... So, I concentrated on those that did not ask for an email first.
No email required:
In many cases, you just need to enter the feed URL
- Blogdigger
- feed24
- Feedbase
- FeedBomb
- FeedBoy
- FeedFury
- FeedMap
- feedNuts
- FeedOoyoo
- FeedSee
- FeedsFarm(news blog only)
- Golden RSS Feed
- IceRocket
- Octora(my feeds were already added or it was an error)
- PressRadar(news only)
- Read A Blog
- RSSfeeds
- RSS Network
- RSSMotron
- Search4RSS
- The ASP Ressource index
- FeedBees
Email required:
When I saw they were asking for an email, I stopped there to build the list. But I did a few ones last night but not all.
- BlogBunch
- BlogPulse
- BlogStreet
- DayTimenews
- BlogLeeg
- FeedPlex
- FindRSS
- Jordo Media
- MillionRSS
- RSSbuffet Feed Directory
- RSSMicro
- SciencePORT
- Small Business Blog Directory(only business blogs allowed)
- SolarWarp.Net
- Rocket RSS Reader
One site that I found nice was FeedMap. You can add you blog location on a map. So, if you ever want to create a meeting of local bloggers, you would be able to contact them. Just put the city and not the full address like they mentioned.
It took me longer because I had 2-4 blogs to submit. But if you have one blog, then start with the first part of the list with no email. Each site will open in a new window. In Firefox, I used tabs instead and opened 10 at a time.
Are there other sites that exist? Yes but I don't know all of them and they may offer other things. My focus was on the easiest one first.
The great thing is that it will increase you RSS feed subscribers readers. I noticed that this morning with the few I did last night :D
Of course, you can submit your blog to 1 Cool File(my site), Technorati....
Plug: On 1 Cool File(free account), the RSS feed will be shown when visitors open your detail page of your blog. Your visitors can also vote for you. If you do paid reviews, have advertisement spots for sale or have a freeware/shareware, blog theme or plugin, it's the place for you!
Edit: You may want to get this ebook since there is a "bonus" software to make it easier and faster to submit your feed. I wrote a review about the ebook.
Keywords: 1 Cool File, Blogging, feed, free, readers, RSS, SEO, submit, Traffic, visitors