I got my first AlertPay(now Payza) payment today. You will notice that the fees are less than PayPal. It was worth it to take a few minutes to register back then to get the free AlertPay Premium account and it's a nice alternative with lesser fees. The product below was only accepting both of these payment processors
With AlertPay

With PayPal

The difference is not huge but in some case, the PayPal fees could be $1.86 when Seller Protection Policy is Ineligible. I don't know what would be the equivalent with AlertPay but I guest it would also be lower.
It's like having an extra $0.21 ad click. It takes cents to make a dollar and it add up at the end of the year. That's why I accept it on 1 Cool File, TrustURL or with my software AuctionSiteWriter. Don't get me wrong, PayPal is still the most popular way on the Internet but it's not available everywhere in the world. AlertPay covers more countries and more companies are paying their affiliates with it since PayPal made a rule change.
In a sense, by taking a few minutes to setup my AlertPay Premium account, I made an extra sale that I would otherwise would not had made.
Will you create or do you have an AlertPay Premium account? It's free anyway and a PayPal backup!
Edit 2008/01/08: I got my second AlertPay payment a few days later thus making $80. :D
Edit 2008/02/14:: Thanks for Mike to point it out, AlertPay was mentioned on CNN
Edit 2008/07/01:: I added AuctionSiteWriter
Edit 2008/07/14: A client wanted to buy AuctionSiteWriter and pay with PayPal since yesterday. But for some weird reasons, he could not even after speaking with PayPal support(browser issue they mentioned). So, he opened an AlertPay instead to pay me. The backup account goes both ways.
Keywords: 1 Cool File, Alertpay, alternative, AuctionSiteWriter, Business, fee, low, Money, Money, PayPal, TrustURL