Site Built It Review/Opinion followup

In the last few days, my Is Site Built It A Scam? post about Lis's Site Build It Scam Review took an expected turn. I was the first to react about Lis post because my MyStarterBlog was mentioned and the comments of SBIers.

Then Vic made a video with SBI Noobs are funny(warning language) and followed that with this post Site Build It Review Or SBI Review What Ever!.

Griz then wrote Site Build It on his How To Make Money blog.

Vic and Griz asked their readers to help Lis too and me(a few did) by linking to our posts. Readers/bloggers responded to that call.

Many never used SBI but can still form an opinion on the service from their point of view. That's what I did and SBIers were respectable in their comments on my blog when writing about my opinion.

I never got hate email like Lis reported and others from SBIers. I deleted a few post(double content) that were in Askimet and I approved/de-spammed a few there too.  I gave both side a chance to comment.

But in the case of X versus Y, sometimes Askimet/time zone/moderation could delay a comment so people should not accuse a blogger of doing censorship. Yes, a blogger own their blog and they can do that too. Also, some comments could go above common decency that the blogger has the right to censor. I have an high tolerance on that and expect not cursed word. I try to keep my blog family friendly for the most part. ;)

Like I mentioned in my comments, I don't mind a fan defending her/his product or service a fan is using  if they can be honest and mentioned the flaws too. Zealots never see flaws.   If they(fans) also point to the flaws , they can suggest modifications to owners, they can improve the product or service in the long run. Heck, the owner can take the opportunity to act on those suggestions.

For example, I don't think SBI is a scam and I suggest to SBI to lower a lot the price. It won't make me use the service but that will counter the negative press they are having at the moment.  And that's the conclusion most have of the SBI service: At point in time, it's an overpriced solution when you have free and less costing alternatives. I know, those are not centralize like on SBI.

Here a list of blog(review/opinions) that linked to my first post:

Site Build It is a Waste of Money | Lost Ball in High Weeds
The Soap Opera of SBI Scam Review
Update on “Site Build It Scam” Post
Site Build it - Don’t Buy It | Help To Make Money Online
Site Build It Scam Issue: Viral Marketing in the Making?
Avoid Site Build It |
The Great Site Build It SCAM

If I missed you, please leave a comment with the URL of the review that linked to my first post.

I also spent too much time on this instead of creating new sites with MSB. ;)
Keywords: Business, Comments, Hosting, Internet, Money, MyStarterBlog, opinion, Review, SBI


Hiya, Steve, sometimes the internet is so funny.

Yes, it's funny when people want proof.

I agree with you Steve. I don't think Site Build It is a scam but the price is outrageous. I mean here you are offering an awesome $7 solution, that with reseller hosting would roughly amount to the same amount of money per year. The only difference is that with SBI you'd only have one website on one domain vs 100s on a reseller plan, allowing someone to make passive income without paying out the nose in expenses.

"offering an awesome $7 solution"

I'll tell you what I don't like - when someone claims some system or another is no good, or a winner..but hasn't actually tried it themselves, or gotten proper training on it!~

@Internet Marketing - I got a few of those type of comments.

That's a really good point, Steve, about $300 worth of eggs in one basket. I never thought about it like that, but it's true.

Yes Max, people expect to have revenue now and can't wait. I can understand them since in a normal job, you work and get paid the same week. Here, you need patience.

I’m glad this went away almost as ‘quickly’ as it was thought up. It’s a decent enough idea, just annoying as hell.

I agree with you Steve. ;)

I swim a lot in surf ;)


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